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Category - Photography Clips

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

As a photographer, it’s important to step outside your comfort zone and rise to challenges. That’s the best way to push yourself, learn new things, and grow.

Are We Overlooking the Shadows?

We think of photography as the art of painting with light—but we paint in shadow, too. Here are some thoughts that might give you new perspective.

Deliberate Mistakes

There are many techniques, like overexposure, that can look like mistakes when they’re not done right. Here’s how to use them so they look purposeful!

Photography Isn’t a Team Sport!

Cooperation among photographers is wonderful, but when teams form around brands, genres or other parts of photography, this limits creative exploration.


Time for Observation

There are lots of quick creative workouts you can do daily to keep your mind in shape. Try simple observation to help keep your creative mind at its sharpest.

Opinions are Opinions

Photography is by necessity rife with opinions on everything from composition to camera models. Who do you believe? In most cases, yourself.

Live With It

Finding a way to live with your images is a valuable way to learn more about your photography. See how you react to them over time to learn how to improve them.

Creating a Conversation

Photography is a descriptive medium—and that makes it hard to tell a story. Here are my thoughts on ways to create storytelling interactions within each frame.

Photographic Memoirs

Is there value in creating a photographic memoir, even if your work is unknown? I think so—and here are my reasons for it.

Revisiting Old Stomping Grounds

Those familiar places you’ve frequented with a camera in hand don’t have to be boring. If you’re willing to look, there are always new photographs to be found!