Category - Photography Clips

Photography Every Day

Daily photography is a good habit to form if you can make time for it! It keeps us sharp and increases the odds of making something fantastic.

Personal Expression

How does one create unique art in an age when everything has already been photographed? By taking the subject material and making it personal.


Knowledge changes with time. Sometimes we need to relearn what we thought we knew—and that’s why going back to the basics for a refresher is important.

Magic Numbers

Magic numbers are a real thing, though perhaps not in the way that you suppose. I’ll show you how certain numbers will benefit your photographs.

Location! Location! Location!

Let’s discover why the best photos often come from unexpected places. This article challenges the myth that location is everything in photography...

Doing the Work

In photography, getting caught up in the allure of new gadgets and trending techniques is easy. However, a year’s worth of retrospection often reveals...

The Unforgettable Lesson

In my grade school days, I had a firecracker of a teacher whose startling desk-slaps and "Pay attention!" outbursts seemed over the top back then. Yet...

Through Ansel Adams’ Lens

Ansel Adams isn't just a photography legend; he's a teacher who helps us see the world in a whole new way. His tips make your photos better, and they...

Old Images, New Perspectives

Apply new perspectives to old images, and surprising things may happen. A lifetime of growth and experiences can help us see potential we didn’t notice...

Life is the Source

There are many ways to approach photography projects. Letting them spring from life itself may be among the best ways to create an organic story.

A New Way to Look at Individuality

Individuality may mean adjusting our styles to suit the photograph rather than making each photograph fit our styles. Learn my thoughts here!

Capturing the Wind

Are there ways beyond motion blur and freeze frames to imply a sense of motion? There are—and here are my thoughts on how to use them.

You See Differently

Viewers can’t see everything that the photographer sees in his or her own images. The art comes from trying to make them see.

Prints Aren’t Going Anywhere

There is a lot of buzz about the death of prints—but they’re not going anywhere soon. Here are my thoughts on why they’re here to stay.


What’s the difference between evergreen content and timely content? Is one better than the other? Here are my thoughts, both on marketing and...

Experiential Art

Experiential art is the act of creating art through the lens of our own experience—and it’s a great way to create what hasn’t been done before.

Searching for Meaning

Prioritizing the search for meaning may be the secret to creating insightful images. Find out more about my thoughts here!

The Best Laid Plans

We all make plans to do photography, but life has a habit of changing those plans. Adaptability is key—and it takes a variety of forms.

Extreme Familiarity

While some may say that returning to the same places is boring, building greater levels of familiarity enables us to tell richer, deeper photographic...

Seize the Day

Sometimes creativity is all about having a positive mindset—which can be challenging! Here are my thoughts on maintaining that mindset.

Opportunities are Fleeting

Photographic opportunities can be fleeting. It’s on us to take these opportunities as much as we can so that we don’t miss all that potential.

The Dangers of Sunk Cost Fallacy

Sunk cost fallacy is a phenomenon that can lead photographers to doing all kinds of crazy things. Here are thoughts to help you avoid it.

Experiencing People

Sometimes experiencing people, getting to know them, leads to photographic opportunities. Here are thoughts on how people can inspire.

Branching Projects and Spinoffs

Free flowing creativity is a wonderful thing. It’ll lead you to exploring creative branches you never would have imagined. Here’s how to keep it all...

Feeling What You Photograph

Is it possible that we can apply the lessons of musicians to photography? Here’s a quick thought to help you add emotion to your photographs.

Don’t Discount the Trip

If we apply the idea of “the hero’s journey” to photography, we find something surprising: It’s not always the destination that counts, but the path we...

Taking Notes

Life so often leads us to missing photographic opportunities. Perhaps we as photographers must learn to become better note takers, too.