Category - Beginning Photography

Why Do We Make Photographs?

What compels photographers to create photographs? It isn't all about money and fame. Read on to see the larger reasons why we are driven to create art.

Are Second Takes Better?

Photographers are always striving to create something new. But, we shouldn’t discount the value that comes with the occasional second take.

What Do You Want from Photography?

It’s important to ask ourselves what we want from photography. When we can answer that question, we know what course to take toward the future.

How to Title Your Images

Titles are one part of photography that don’t get much attention, but they’re an important element. Here are some thoughts to help you create effective...

Impossible Versus Insightful

Creating images that capture a jaded audience’s attention is more difficult than creating the impossible. Here are some thoughts to show you what I...

When to Add Prose to Your Images

Prose and photography are two mediums that blend well. Here are some thoughts and ideas to help you combine your images with the written word!

Make Photographs Transparent

Creating an image that resonates across a wide audience requires some level of transparency. Here are some thoughts to help you achieve this!

The Art of Waiting

Throughout your career as a photographer, you'll find yourself waiting for many reasons. Perhaps it is time to turn those wait times into a creative...

Learning to See Light

Photography is the art of painting with light. It is essential to learn how to see the light to create effective images. Here are thoughts that may...

Beginning Photography Tips

A popular craft, photography is a mainstay of American culture. We created the adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and hone our skills to...

Overcoming Assumptions

Few things fray the nerves of a photographer like the assumptions people make about the profession. Here are questions you've doubtless heard before!

Connecting Instead of Observing

Photographers, in order to create effective images, need to connect with their subjects rather than simply observing. Here are some ways you can do...

Understanding White Balance

What is the ideal white balance for a photograph? The answer isn't necessarily stark white but a very slight cast that helps breathe life into your...

Change is Good

Change can be hard. It is tough to learn new things, break old habits, move forward. But it's essential to photography. Here are my thoughts on the...