Accomplishing the things we want to do isn’t so much about finding time, but about making time. Here are my thoughts on why this mindset is important.
Category - Beginning Photography
Sometimes our objectives limit what we can do—and they may limit our mental capacity to accept change. Going in with an open mind is always the better way.
The human eye does not look at the world the same way that a camera does. To design effective images, you'll need to understand how the eye sees.
Learning how to do things the “old” way using antiquated equipment holds a lot of value and many lessons—but we can’t let ourselves be stuck in the past!
There is a lot of information on how to plan shot lists or choose gear for photography projects, but what about the creative side of planning? Here are some...
To a photographer, the challenge in producing an image may seem like an important aspect. However, to viewers, content and meaning is what really matters.
If there’s a quote that photographers should live by, it’s this one. Photography across mediums and throughout history proves it to be true.
How do you get more done when it comes to photography? The answer is an organized schedule, which will help you fight the urge to procrastinate.
Photographers collect a lot of stuff over the years, from cameras to prints and negatives. Do we really need to keep it all? Here are my thoughts!
It’s tempting to pack up the camera and stay home during the winter, but this is a great time of year to take photos. Here are some ideas to get you started!