Sometimes, we all need to take a break. There is no shame in it, and in fact, I think it can be a healthy, necessary part of our photographic life.
Tag - photography tips for beginners
Learning how to do things the “old” way using antiquated equipment holds a lot of value and many lessons—but we can’t let ourselves be stuck in the past!
If there’s a quote that photographers should live by, it’s this one. Photography across mediums and throughout history proves it to be true.
Explore the photographer's journey: a fusion of art and technology, where technical mastery meets creative vision. Today's photographers are versatile...
Cooperation among photographers is wonderful, but when teams form around brands, genres or other parts of photography, this limits creative exploration.
There are times when the pursuit of technical perfection overshadows the creative side of photography. If perfectionism bogs you down, these thoughts may help!
Are there ways beyond motion blur and freeze frames to imply a sense of motion? There are—and here are my thoughts on how to use them.
New Year’s resolutions are a popular tradition—but they can be a little bit tricky. Don’t let them trap you into attempting to improve yourself once each year.
What’s the difference between evergreen content and timely content? Is one better than the other? Here are my thoughts, both on marketing and photography.
Sometimes you need a break, but sometimes you need to stick with it. How do you tell the difference between these two times? Here are my thoughts.