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Capturing the Wind

Are there ways beyond motion blur and freeze frames to imply a sense of motion? There are—and here are my thoughts on how to use them.


What’s the difference between evergreen content and timely content? Is one better than the other? Here are my thoughts, both on marketing and photography.

Taking a Break

Sometimes, we all need to take a break. There is no shame in it, and in fact, I think it can be a healthy, necessary part of our photographic life.


There Can Be No Formula

Where photography is concerned, there can be no tried and true formula that we can rely on for photograph after photograph. We must keep innovating.

No One Cares How You Got There

Does the artistic process matter? Of course—but only to the artist. For the audience, it’s the result that matters most.

Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in photography. How we handle it is interesting. Here are more of my thoughts on goals, change, and how we may learn about our creativity.

Find Your People

Finding your people doesn’t mean building a community of admirers on social media. It’s about building a community where there is kinship, learning and growth.

The Best Laid Plans

We all make plans to do photography, but life has a habit of changing those plans. Adaptability is key—and it takes a variety of forms.