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Category - Creative Wellness

I want to introduce you to Frank Simmeth

Frank was the kind of man you don’t forget—sharp, kind-hearted, and always ready to serve. He had a quiet intelligence about him, the kind that didn’t need to...

Training Your Brain

Brain training is a popular fad nowadays, and there are ways to train your creative brain, too! It’s all about activating the brain’s reticular formation.

Emotions Along the Path

Journey with me, where nature's ever-changing canvas intertwines with deep personal memories. Discover a path that showcases the seasons and echoes the highs...

The Fickle Nature of Creativity

Ever had a day brimming with creative energy, only to find your inspiration gone the next? Explore the unpredictable nature of creativity, from emotional...

The Unforgettable Lesson

In my grade school days, I had a firecracker of a teacher whose startling desk-slaps and "Pay attention!" outbursts seemed over the top back then. Yet, her...

Taking a Break

Sometimes, we all need to take a break. There is no shame in it, and in fact, I think it can be a healthy, necessary part of our photographic life.


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