It’s not gear or exotic destinations that makes us successful photographers. It’s the persistence to keep going out into the field, taking photographs and...
Category - Photography Clips
Is it possible that we spend too much time mulling the future instead of creating today? Here are thoughts about balancing creativity with future proofing.
The digital age comes with a loss of creative control when it comes to displaying our photographs. These quick thoughts might help you remedy that conundrum!
Think more creatively, become more creative? It works, I think! Here are some thoughts on how creative thought can make you a better photographer.
There are lots of ways to choose print sizes. Perhaps one important consideration should be different composition types and how we tend to view them.
Failure is part of being a photographer, and sometimes looking at digital negatives feels like failure. We must remember that they’re actually successes.
Is it possible to create a photograph that doesn’t fit into any genre? Maybe, maybe not, but the pursuit of such an image could be worthwhile.
Could zooming way in or zooming way out be a solution to those unproductive days in the field? Here’s a quick thought to help you make the most of photo trips!
Is it the gear that makes art? Or is it the photographer’s creative skill? It’s time to forget about the gear and instead, focus on the mind that wields it.